Get Your Business In Front of More Locals and Tourists.
Send Your Marketing / Promotions / Deals
to Your Customer's Phones, 24/7!

We’ve all used brochures and flyers and coupons and print ads to reach our customers. And we’ve all seen the success of these push-based forms of marketing steady decline over time. They’re costing more money yet they’re bringing less and less customers through the door.
Your customers always lose the brochures, misplace the maps, and soon enough it all ends up in the recycling bin anyway. Don’t let your marketing spend end up in the trash!
Leave the print marketing world of flyers and brochures behind and become part of a new era in pull-based digital marketing that’s being embraced around the globe.
- Market directly to locals/tourists, right on their phone!
- Instantly share promotions/deals/events with users
- Users can text/email/social share about your biz.
- Users can Favorite or Save your Business Info.
- Augmented Reality (AR) Business Listing
- 2D Island Map Business Listing
- Multi-Category Business Listing
- Share multiple photos & images
- Company Logo on Business Listing
- Share Multiple Locations & Deals
- Driving Directions to Your Location
- Walkable Directions to Your Location
- Links to Website/Email
- Link to Phone, with Tap to Call
- Links to Social Media: Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram/YouTube

Print Material for A Few Months
DUX Access for 1 Year!
Trade in and upgrade your print marketing spend. For the cost of a couple of traditional print ads gain access to DUX and all of its marketing and promotional benefits for 1 year!
DUX was designed from the ground up to specifically meet the needs of local small businesses. As a result, we have 3 subscription levels to accommodate a variety of budgets.
Startup? Modest Budget? Check out Level 1.
For startup businesses or those with a lower marketing budget, our Level 1 pricing is designed specifically for you. The low monthly spend still gets you on board with DUX and enjoy many of the benefits that the system has to offer.
Ready to go Premium? Subscribe to Level 2.
Level 2 pricing is ideal for companies with established marketing strategies. You also gain access to ALL of our social media features. If you’re on Facebook / Instagram / Twitter / YouTube link to any and all of these social platforms in a few simple clicks.
Level 2 also allows you to create listings for multiple physical locations, post multiple photos, and post multiple deals.
Larger Budget? Level 3 is for you. Plus you’ll receive your very own personal DUX Concierge.
And for those businesses that allocate larger spends to marketing, we’ve geared Level 3 to just your needs. Get all the Level 2 features, plus Premium Positioning throughout the app.
In addition, you will be set up with our DUX Concierge Service, giving you one-on-one contact with your personal DUX account manager, to assist you with listing and maintaining deals, improve your listing, manage your account directly, and answer any other questions you may have.

Level 1:
Basic Listing
Best for Small Businesses and Startups
Biz Logo/Photo/Description
24/7 Deal Manager Access
Augmented Reality Listing
2D Map Listing
Category Listing
Directions to Location
Call Location
Email Location
Multiple Biz. Locations
Multiple Photos per Location
Multiple Deals per Location
Link to Facebook
Link to Twitter
Link to Instagram
Link to YouTube
Premium Positions in Listings
Dux Concierge Service
Level 2:
Premium Listing
Link to all your social media. List multiple locations /
photos / deals. Ideal for businesses with
established marketing strategies.
Biz Logo/Photo/Description
24/7 Deal Manager Access
Augmented Reality Listing
2D Map Listing
Category Listing
Directions to Location
Call Location
Email Location
Multiple Biz. Locations: Up to 3
Multiple Photos per Location: Up to 5
Multiple Deals per Location: Up to 10
Link to Facebook
Link to Twitter
Link to Instagram
Link to YouTube
Premium Positions in Listings
Dux Concierge Service
Level 3:
Exclusive Listing
Unlimited Locations/Photos/Deals
Biz Logo/Photo/Description
24/7 Deal Manager Access
Augmented Reality Listing
2D Map Listing (Featured)
Category Listing (Featured)
Directions to Location
Call Location
Email Location
Multiple Biz. Locations: Unlimited
Multiple Photos per Location: Unl.
Multiple Deals per Location: Unl.
Link to Facebook
Link to Twitter
Link to Instagram
Link to YouTube
Premium Positions in Listings
Dux Concierge Service